Rainmaker Associates, LLC

Welcome to the RIA database page

Here you can purchase an Excel file that contains over 5,500 SEC-registered RIA contact records. These are firms that Rainmaker Associates, LLC has curated over the last few years in our own efforts in lead generation. Each record contains contact information for the RIA including phone number, and for most, email address. The typical contact is a C-level executive, generally the President / CEO or the Head of Operations / COO / Director of Operations.

The database is priced at $1,995. It is a great source for RIA leads however is not intended to compete with dynamic online RIA databases that are 5x the cost. If your firm can afford $15,000 per year for these services then that’s great. If you are not ready to commit that amount of funds, then you will find my database to be a more affordable resource to provide to your sales team to jump start their sales and lead generation efforts.

To learn more about the database, you can download below a sample Excel file of the first 23 records for free. If you decide to move forward with the purchase of the full database, feel free to do so by clicking on the ‘Buy Database Now’ button below. Once the payment is complete, we will forward you the database.

The database password is Rainmaker_12. All sales are final.